Since 1974, I have strived to communicate my deep love and respect for our natural environment and the interaction people have with it through photography. I've had a charmed and challenging career protecting Canada's environment, mostly as a national park warden and federal fishery officer, in some of the most beautiful and remote places in Canada. Therefore, my leisure time with a camera, depicts life in these wild places and many others as well. As our society becomes increasingly disconnected from Nature I hope that my photography encourages you to reconnect and allow nature to help you live a life of wonder and fulfilment.
I really enjoy "turning people on" to the joys of life when viewed through a lens and so have instructed hundreds of people to do so, from novice to advanced, in the various elements, tools and techniques of photography. I offer photography training to individuals, small and large groups including for specific purposes (visual artists, for therapy, realtors, writers, law enforcement etc). I also provide guided field trips for individuals or small groups in many parts of Canada.
Please contact me if you wish to purchase one of these photos or perhaps one of the over 40,000 you don't see. I will also take custom photographs to fulfill a special interest or requirement.
Thanks for your visit and I hope you enjoy my photographs!
(403) 682-8259