I'm Building

November 18, 2016  •  2 Comments

Hi, well I've been plugging away at my galleries and have added a few; the latest is of Birds which mostly shows pictures of bald eagles feasting on Silversides in the early morning at Jimtown NS. It took me 3 days of planning and practice to get these shots. I think they're OK. And you?




Peter Jowett Photography
Thanks for the compliment Dorothy. Silversides are a small fish of the herring family that come to spawn in shallow water each spring. This population, anecdotally, is on the decline likely due to overharvesting for commercial bait. Fisheries and Oceans is miss-managing this species. It took 3 days to shoot: Day 1 discover the event, plan angles in relation to light, equipment etc. Day 2: arrive well-before sunrise (at ~6am, can actually hear the activity before clearly see it). Shooting from my van window, remained in one location and got photos from more of a distance. Day 3, same techniques and equipment used, moved to other locations and concetrated on closeups & anticipating movement. My best shots came from Day 3.
Dorothy Lander(non-registered)
I guess these photos are OK -- they are spectacular. I am mesmerized by the close up of the eagle, wondering if s/he is eying prey, or perhaps has an eye on you. BTB, what are Silversides -- are they plentiful at Jimtown and elsewhere?
Your 3 days of planning and practice intrigues me and as I look at the photos, I want to ask you where you were, how close you were, and how long did you have to lie (sit?) in wait? I'm a story person, so I am likely to be attracted to the photo that comes with a story -- the eagle's story, your story, the story of that place at that time. Because you have many photos (I just typed in STORIES by mistake!) of birds of prey, I wonder if I am imagining that some of your photos juxtapose the seeming tranquility of Nature against the imminent danger from a predator. This is a powerful juxtaposition, which IS the reality of the natural world, which demands that we both respect and cherist it.
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